With great excitement, I share with you that our Oldham County Board of Education has approved a 7% raise for salaried certified and classified employees and $2-per-hour raise for all hourly classified employees, beginning July 1, 2024.

Our conservative budgeting and efficient use of taxpayer dollars allowed us to complement the recently-approved state budget to offer the largest raise possible to our employees. We appreciate our legislators for passing a budget that increases support to public education, which helps us recruit and retain high-quality staff for the ultimate benefit of our students. And of course, we thank our board for recognizing the need to increase compensation as much as possible for every employee.

With the 2% given last year and 3% given the year before, we have been able to increase salaries 12% over three years. But we want to do even more for our employees in the years going forward as we continue to look for ways to increase salaries through reducing expenses and increasing revenue where possible.

As we approach the end of the school year, we look forward to elementary and middle-school promotions and high-school graduations.

We are also already planning for next year. In response to the needs of our families, Oldham County Schools will offer an online-only schooling option for students in grades 6-12, starting this fall. Liberty Academy will be its own distinct school and play a vital role in our district for those who want a different learning platform and environment. If you would like to learn more about this new school, visit our website at oldham.kyschools.us.

Oldham County Project Graduation will take place on May 26 at South Oldham High School from 11 p.m. until 4:30 a.m. Project graduation has been in Oldham County since 1986. It is a drug-free, alcohol-free, all-night party for graduating seniors of each of Oldham County’s four high schools. Free food and drinks are provided throughout the event, and graduates participate in games, spa pampering, a beach party, rock climbing and other activities. Throughout the event, prizes are given away.

This event requires a lot of community involvement and support. If you are interested in helping out in any way, from volunteering time to offering donations, please contact them at ocprojectgraduation@gmail.com.

Recruitment is in full swing for the district, and we are seeking dedicated individuals with a passion for inspiring young minds, team building and enriching our community. Keep an eye out for our commercials airing on live television, streaming platforms and social media over the next few weeks.

Our recent round of employee, staff and parent/caregiver surveys have wrapped up. We are excited to get results back and hope to see improvement in the experiences these groups have with our school district. Our commitment remains steadfast in listening, and implementing insights gleaned from these surveys to continue to be a district where everyone experiences excellence.

Jason Radford is the superintendent of Oldham County Schools.