It’s time to tell the truth in 2024

To the editor:

The following is addressed to state Sen. Tichenor, state Rep. Osborne and state Rep. Nemes.

After going through a divorce 23 years ago, and losing almost everything, including my life (for real), I realized the following:

I entered into a contract not only with my wife but, also with the state of Indiana. I had no idea that the house I bought, my pension, my personal property, of which a significant amount was earned/obtained prior to my marriage would all be deemed as part of the marital assets. What I learned was, the marriage/divorce industry is the biggest legal racket in the United States.

What can we do in Kentucky to fight against the marriage/divorce industry? The answer is, Information. Inform the people, the residents of Kentucky the truth about our societal menage a trois. It’s called making an informed decision, or even just a warning.

.Just a month ago, while I was in the Oldham County Courthouse, I went to the marriage license branch. I asked the clerk at the office if I could see the application for a marriage license — the clerk let me see the application. Guess what? There is no warning of your three R’s, rights, responsibilities and risks, legal or financial. This is the equivalence of signing a contract with terms and conditions covered up. Probably the most important contract you will ever sign, comes with no conditions or warnings.

This is where the state comes in, after all it issues the marriage license. The three R’s should diffidently be listed on the application for a marriage license (something to the effect as listed below).

Rights: Marriage is 100% optional and voluntary (It is illegal to discriminate against an individual based on marital status).

Responsibilities: Marriage is a partnership, a legal contract, the terms and conditions can vary. However, it is advisable to have legal, financial, and perhaps religious/clerical terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties prior to the marriage.

Risks: Statistically, 40% — 50% of all marriages end in divorce. The legal and financial risk can ot be overstated. A divorce often means the destruction of your financial estate. The personal loss is even greater, often one, or both, never recover.

It’s time to tell people the truth.

Terrence E. Quinlan
